Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Eight years

Last week, Michael and I celebrated our eight year wedding anniversary. We drove down to Santa Barbara on Monday and went dolphin watching. We had a nice hotel that over looked the beach. We had dinner at the Elephant Bar. The next morning we went to Solvang (a little Scandinavian town) and bought some delicious bread. It was a one night trip.

It was a lot of fun spending time together, just the two of us. The boys stayed with a sitter and it was nice coming home to their smiling faces.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The latest

Things are still good out here. It's been super hot and being pregnant doesn't help. I'm constantly wanting to turn down the thermostat but everyone else around me is freezing.

The boys are now in nursery at church. They aren't 18 months but as long as Michael or I stay with them, they are allowed. Since I just got called to be the Beehive advisor (teaching the 12-13 year old gals at church) during the 3rd hour, it helps Michael so he's not wandering the halls with the boys for an hour.

We had a wonderful 4th of July. The boys enjoyed their first fireworks show. I have pics. I will post them soon, I promise.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Hey everyone,
This is our first blogspot entry. Hmmm....where to begin...

Well, life has been really good for us this past while. Michael and I had fraternal twin boys back in February of 2007, so that would make them 16 months now. Their names are Trenton and Tommy.

We are expecting our third little boy this November 1st. We are still battling over names but we'll see what his name will be. I've been calling him Sebastian, I just love that name.

We took our first family trip to Disneyland in May, I'll have to post some pics soon.

We are excited about the 4th of July this Friday. We'll be having Michael's family over. The boys love swimming in our pool... I should say splashing in the pool since they aren't swimming yet. I'm planning on getting them some lessons soon. We are getting a pool fence soon as well, but not soon enough.

Michael and I will be celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary this July 15th. We'll be going away for a night and I'm so looking forward to that.

I guess that's it for now. I'll keep ya'all posted.