Tuesday, December 1, 2009

update, with pics in post below

We have been super busy these past few months. In October we went to Disneyland twice, the first trip we made we left behind the double stroller for the big boys, so we rented a wheelchair and Tommy and Trenton sat in there side by side. I know it sounds a bit white trash, but it settled the problem.

The second trip to Disneyland was during Halloween weekend. It was the first time we stayed away from home with the boys. We stayed at the Disneyland Hotel, that alone was an adventure. Trenton had a hard time at first and wanted to go home to his own bed. Tommy and Trenton ended up sleeping in one of the queen beds with Michael and Joseph and I in the other queen bed. I didn't sleep much because I woke up everytime Joseph moved because I was afraid he'd fall off the bed. Needless to say, we all had a ton of fun and we made memories with our little guys.

Joseph turned one year old on November 5th, that little man is walking all over the place. He loves to dance and be wiggly and silly. I can't help but notice that he is growing up faster than Tommy and Trenton did. He tries to keep up with them so he's climbing on things and fighting back with them. He can definitely handle playing with the big boys.

You can see the pics in the post below...ugh stupid blogger

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Joseph is 1, you made it! He is adorable.
