Monday, February 5, 2018

The Best Day Ever

This past Saturday, Michael was gone so it was just the kids and I.  Last weekend, we were all suffering with the plague so it seemed like we had been home for a long time without any excitement happening.  So I decided to take the kids for a fun day in St George, I knew it would also be warmer there so it was a guaranteed day of adventure.

We headed down the "long" trek south and listened to Hank Smith CD's to entertain and uplift us during the drive.  We began our adventure with the St George Children's Museum.  It had been a LONG time since we had been there.  It wasn't too crowded for a Saturday.  One thing I noticed was that my boys are too old for that place now.  We first went there almost three years ago when TnT were eight and Joey was six and Lily was four years old.  In my previous post, I mentioned how time was going too fast, well this trip really hit me just how fast my boys are growing up.  Once the moment has passed, there is no point back.  I miss the days of watching Yo Gabba Gabba, Toy Story, and Cars.  Now when we sit down to watch a movie, I will say excitedly, "We haven't seen Toy Story 2 in a while, lets watch that one." And the response is, "No mom, we aren't babies anymore."

The museum was filled with lots of little kids, my boys weren't little anymore, though they weren't the biggest or oldest kids there, they still looked as thought they were too big to play.  Needless to say, we didn't stay very long.

We then decided to go to lunch.  Yay, we're in St George and the world of variety is at our finger tips. I drove by Viva Chicken, and there were actually a few empty parking spots open.  That's a good sign that you can get in, order, and find a good spot to sit, and I was correct.  If you've never been to Viva Chicken, it is an amazing place.  They're menu is Peruvian and they have fresh, delicious, rotisserie chicken.  We ordered and sat down and ate, it was good.  Some of my kids were a bit picky but overall, they ate and we were happy.  We had gotten there just in time, because a crew of 4 different girls soccer teams showed up just as we were leaving.

Next, we went to Tonaquint Park, it was so crowded there, but we still managed to have some fun.  The splash pad wasn't up and running which is understandable since we are still in winter.  It was so nice to get outside and get some sun and breathe in some fresh air.

We then decided to go to Barnes & Noble, we had some gift cards to spend.  I love books, I love books, I love books.  The kids all picked a small "thing" to take home.  Some picked a tiny stuffed animal, some picked one of those boxes with a thing in it.  I found some books to read, hopefully one of the three will sweep me off of my feet and won't put me down until I'm done reading it.  Then it was time to head home.

The drive home was nice, we listened to Hank Smith once again.  Some fell asleep and others just listened.

Saturday was one of those days that I wish would never end, all that was missing was Michael.  I love my kids and I love spending time with them.  It was a day filled with memories and I know that with spring around the corner, there are more fun days ahead.


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Time is a thief

Lately, I have been feeling my age and stage of life.  I feel as though Michael and I have graduated into the next stage of our lives, but I don't know what to call it.  I don't want to call it "old" because really, we aren't that old.  He will be 41 this year and I will be 40, and now that we are here, I don't consider it old, because I don't feel old.  But if you were to ask my 15 year old self, yes 40 was old and I had imagined that once you hit 40, life was over because it's all downhill from here.  I'd like to go back to my 15 year old self and smack me in the face.  Little girl, I'm gonna rock this year like no other, my 15 year old self will be so impressed if not jealous!

So back to this new stage of life.  Suddenly, we aren't one of the younger couples in our ward with the smallest children.  There are other families taking that place as Michael and I, and our children get older.  Suddenly, our children aren't the youngest anymore.  Suddenly, my children don't want to watch SpongeBob anymore because "it's a baby show". (I feel like we are the only parents in Utah who allow our kids to watch SpongeBob, we are such heathens).  Suddenly, they have grown out of playing with Woody and Buzz Lightyear.  Luckily, Lily is still young enough to enjoy the "baby shows" still, but she's starting to grow out of things that I'm not ready to let go of yet.

I reflect on this time of motherhood/parenthood, and it has flown by so fast.  Suddenly, our kids are getting older so fast that I don't think we have that "bumper" of time to allow us to change our bad habits and be better parents.  I look back and hope that I have done good, but the innate pessimist in me assures me that I have failed at motherhood and I shouldn't even try anymore, that it's too late so I should just give up on these last few years we have left.  My children are doomed and destined for prison life.  Okay, I'm being dramatic,  I tend to freak out when I really think about the negatives BUT I know where these negative thoughts come from and I know who wants me to fail.
Well, not today satan

Satan is the father of lies and I will not allow him to make me feel as if I've already failed when I still have so much more time ahead.  I will not allow him to tell me to give up on the most important thing I will ever do in this life, motherhood.  Are there things that I could have done better as a mother, of course.  But there are already some great things that I have done as a mother, more than any of the less than good things that I have done.

I love this gospel and I love my Savior and I love that my Savior loves me so much that he sent people to this earth to help me become a better person, wife, and mother.  Here are some quotes that I will focus on to help remind me remained focus on what matters most.
