Monday, December 28, 2009

Potty Training

Today is the first day of potty training for Tommy and Trenton. We'll see how it goes. I know that I should not expect too much, but be prepared for a lot of accidents.

I have also prepared myself with LOTS of patience

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wrapping gifts

Earlier today the boys helped me wrap Michael's gifts. Joseph walked all over the paper, then climbed onto the gifts as I was wrapping them. Tommy and Trenton helped tape the paper everywhere. The end result was wrinkled wrapped gifts with gobs of tape on them. Very cute. I also had Tommy and Trenton wrap their own little gift with daddy.

I'm excited to bake cookies for Santa tomorrow morning with daddy and the boys, it'll be a lot of fun.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

update, with pics in post below

We have been super busy these past few months. In October we went to Disneyland twice, the first trip we made we left behind the double stroller for the big boys, so we rented a wheelchair and Tommy and Trenton sat in there side by side. I know it sounds a bit white trash, but it settled the problem.

The second trip to Disneyland was during Halloween weekend. It was the first time we stayed away from home with the boys. We stayed at the Disneyland Hotel, that alone was an adventure. Trenton had a hard time at first and wanted to go home to his own bed. Tommy and Trenton ended up sleeping in one of the queen beds with Michael and Joseph and I in the other queen bed. I didn't sleep much because I woke up everytime Joseph moved because I was afraid he'd fall off the bed. Needless to say, we all had a ton of fun and we made memories with our little guys.

Joseph turned one year old on November 5th, that little man is walking all over the place. He loves to dance and be wiggly and silly. I can't help but notice that he is growing up faster than Tommy and Trenton did. He tries to keep up with them so he's climbing on things and fighting back with them. He can definitely handle playing with the big boys.

You can see the pics in the post below...ugh stupid blogger

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Catching Up with pictures

So sorry this is SO out of order. I'm still trying to figure out how to upload this pics to STAY in the order I upload them here on blogger. I've uploaded pictures of our two trips to Disneyland in October and pictures from Joseph's first birthday party.

Once again sorry they are all wacked out of order but they are pretty much self explanitory and are dated so hopefully you can understand what I was trying to do.

We have been super busy these past few months. In October we went to Disneyland twice, the first trip we made we left behind the double stroller for the big boys, so we rented a wheelchair and Tommy and Trenton sat in there side by side. I know it sounds a bit white trash, but it settled the problem.
The second trip to Disneyland was during Halloween weekend. It was the first time we stayed away from home with the boys. We stayed at the Disneyland Hotel, that alone was an adventure. Trenton had a hard time at first and wanted to go home to his own bed. Tommy and Trenton ended up sleeping in one of the queen beds with Michael and Joseph and I in the other queen bed. I didn't sleep much because I woke up everytime Joseph moved because I was afraid he'd fall off the bed. Needless to say, we all had a ton of fun and we made memories with our little guys.
Joseph turned one year old on November 5th, that little man is walking all over the place. He loves to dance and be wiggly and silly. I can't help but notice that he is growing up faster than Tommy and Trenton did. He tries to keep up with them so he's climbing on things and fighting back with them. He can definitely handle playing with the big boys.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Scary shoes

Now that we are upon the Halloween season, Samwise and Frodo are fully aware of all that is scary. If we are out and about in a store and walk by the Halloween display, they point and say, "Scary." then run off to get the scary display out of view.

Frodo is not a huge fan of anything scary. Looking at halloween costumes was a difficult thing for him, so we definitely avoid any scary party stores.

Since it seems like everywhere we go there is a "scary" display, Frodo anticipates it when we are out and about.

Yesterday we went to the shoe store to get some new shoes for the twins, since all they've been wearing are sandals and the weather is getting cooler. When we walked into the store, Frodo grabbed my hand and came in close and said, "Oh scary." I told him that we were at a shoe store and that there were not scary things in there. He then let's go of my hand and says, "Oh okay", then waves at the shoes and says, "Hi shoes".

So cute, I had to share.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kids say the funniest things pt 2

Today while driving around we were leaving a gated community and Tommy saw the gate was closed and said, "Oh no." Then when the gate opened automatically, he said, "Thank you gate."

On our way home, we picked up the mail and the boys Wiggle shirts arrived and they were both so happy. Trenton asked, "Did the mail buy it for us?"

The gal next door left her sandals here and Trenton said, "Lemme smell 'em."

Monday, September 21, 2009

What a day...

Today I took the boys to look at a potential preschool. I don't think I'm ready to cut the umbilical cords just yet but it was something I thought the boys would like. We arrived at the school and once the boys saw the playground they couldn't get out of the car fast enough. As we passed the playground and headed to the director's office, Tommy realized that we weren't going to play so he threw the biggest tantrum I've ever seen him throw. I'm sure once the director saw that she immediately made a mental note to not allow them in. She did say there was no room...hmm? We saw the classroom and the boys loved it.

Once I saw their reaction, I knew that two half days (Tues & Thurs 9am-12pm) would be something they would love, but I don't know if I can do it, they are my babies. I've already reserved spots for them for next school year at a preschool ran by a friend from church, so I'm thinking that I want to savor this school year with them at home, before they go off to school for the rest of their lives. Tuesdays we go to Barnes & Noble for storytime and I don't want to give that up. I'm not too sure what to do.

Well, both TnT were quite upset when we left the school so I took them to a park to play and they had tons of fun, but it was super hot so we didn't stay long.

I'll have to post some pics of our day, but it's uber late and I'm tired!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Samwise almost set the fire alarm in church today, but he didn't. Thank goodness.

Kids say the funniest things

This week Tommy said:

*When I called him Thomas, he responded with, "I not a choo-choo"

*When I was changing his poopy but and Joseph came crawling toward us, "No baby, no eat my poop." Joseph wasn't anywhere near his gross diaper.

*He now has an appetite for eating people. He walks up to daddy and says, "I eat you daddy." and playfully nibbles on Michael's arm.

*He grabs a hold of me and says, "I got you mama." Then pulls me and says, "This way".

Tommy's speach has improved so much, I'm so proud of him

This week Trenton said:

*"Ow my nuts", when he was laying underneath Joseph's jumper and Joseph jumped on his groin area.

*After bath time tonight, "No more stinkies."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Guardian Angels

So as you can see from my previous post, Trenton came very close to losing his eye. I realized that I didn't explain what happened. We have sharp edges on our wooden banister, Trenton fell and bumped his head on the sharp pointy edge of the banister.

When I first saw his cut, the first thought that came to my mind was, "Wow, that was a close call with his eye."

We've had a few close calls with our boys. Trust me, we watch our boys and I'm probably the most paranoid mother you'll find out there, but as they say, "Boys will be boys".

I can't help but feel that someone is always watching them when I'm not always able to. A few months ago, we got the boys their big boy beds that are race cars. They absolutely love them. Michael was using a box cutter for the assembly of these beds and put the cutter away. Somehow Tommy got a hold of it (Tommy is able to get a hold of anything that we think is well hidden) and was cutting up his newly assembled bed, while daddy was in Trenton's room putting his bed together, I was down stairs bonding with the dishwasher, as always. I heard a strange noise coming from upstairs but didn't think much because Michael was up there. Then I heard Michael gasp, and then Tommy started to cry. I walked up stairs to find Tommy clearly upset because daddy got mad at him, but he had no cuts or any sort of injuries. The noise I heard was Tommy cutting up his bed, Michael walking in on him to find out what was causing the noise (he had done this twice, the first time Tommy stopped what he was doing, hid the knife behind his back and gave daddy that I'm-being-mischeivous-smile) and gasping at what he saw. Tommy knew he was in trouble.

Tommy was playing with a box cutter and DID NOT get hurt at all. Michael and I were both shocked at the miracle that took place. Let me remind you that Tommy is our clumsy one, so for him to come clean of any harm is definitely a miracle.

There have been other situations that could have been worse when it comes to our boys getting hurt. Trenton's eye and Tommy playing with the box cutter are the two that I can clearly remember.

I know someone is keeping a close eye on our boys, letting them be boys and allowing them to get bumps and bruises and scraped knees, but they have been protected from what could've been some very horrible accidents. I'd like to think that somewhere close by, my mom is watching over us and making sure we are all kept safe.

I've always given thanks to Heavenly Father after each incident that could've been horrible. I thank him for protecting my boys and keeping them safe.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thing 2's Owie



Last Thursday Thing 2 got his first real war wound. Charming had been out of town since Monday so the boys were not happy, (he had been out of town off and on for the past four weeks). The boys have a hard time while daddy is away, but it was getting worse because Charming was gone for a while and it was getting very old for the boys. Charming was to return home that night, Thursday night.

I was downstairs and Thing 1 and Thing 2 were playing upstairs as they always do, when I heard a thump, then Thing 2 screaming and then a few seconds later Thing 1 was crying. I ran upstairs and saw blood from the outer corner Thing 2's left eye and Thing 1 was definitely concerned for his brother. I ran and got tissue and started to apply preassure and I could clearly see that Thing 2 would need stitches.

I always knew that day would come but had always imagined that Thing 1 would be the first to get stitches because he is our dare devil and he is clumsy. I always thought Charming would be the one to take the wounded to urgent care to get fixed, but I was wrong on both of those assumptions.

I ran into our office and pulled one of the ladies to help me with the boys. She was so calm when she took a look at Thing 2, all I could think was, "Why aren't you in shock that my baby is bleeding from his face and clearly needs stitches?" She has gone through her share of stitches with her kids, and I was definitely grateful for her being calm. We called the Fast girls down the street and Marci came by to help and Cambria came with me to take Thing 2 to urgent care. She brought a little bear to distract him. She was a HUGE help.

Thing 2 was very good. He was calmed before we left the house. I put a Scooby Doo band aid on his owie. Once we arrived to the U.C., he was still fairly happy. The only times he got upset was when the nurses cleaned the wound and when he had to get the stitches done.

Dr. Bigwood did the stitches, he's in our ward. He did great. I'd have to say, it was more for me than Thing 2. Needless to say, I felt horrible for the whole situation and seeing my baby hurt, but seeing a familiar face definitely made the difference.

Thing 2 was a trooper during the procedure, it took three stitches to take care of the wound. Yeah, he screamed and cried for his daddy, but what 2 year old wouldn't? As the Dr. walked out Thing 2 said, "Thank you." it was so cute.

Thing 2 had the stitches removed yesterday, it was a bit scary for him being in the same room and seeing the same nurse that assisted with the procedure but he did great.

Daddy's day off

Michael took the day off from work today and it was a great day. We took the boys to Chuck E. Cheese's pizza and they were so busy playing, they didn't even eat any food while we were there. Tommy was all over the place, he some how ended up inside the little kids basketball game, that's Tommy for ya.

Joseph's first time at Chuck E. Cheese's

The boys with "the mouse" and some other kids that were there. Of course my boys' faces wouldn't come out clearly in this pic. The other kids were excited to have a picture though.

Costume hunting

These are the boys being silly at Party City...

Yesterday the boys and daddy and I went out to look for costumes for halloween. I was a bit annoyed because nothing wowed me, or as Michael said, I couldn't "commit" to a costume for the boys. Trenton got scared going into the costume stores. I'll probably end up buying their costumes online. I'm thinking Woody and Buzz Lightyear. Still not too sure what to do for Joseph.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

They make me laugh

My boys are so funny. Today we went to go pick up new humidifiers for them (I'm hoping this will help Tommy get back to sleeping through the night) and the guy in Walgreens had to climb a wobbly ladder to get the things down and Tommy kept saying, "Thank you man.", so cute because he didn't know the gentleman's name.j

Trenton said the same thing when the bug guy came today to spray the outside of the house. Trenton asked what he was doing and I told him that the man was spraying bug spray to kill the spiders so he could play outside and Trenton said, "Oh. Thank you man."

Yesterday Trenton's request for breakfast was, "I want cereal, tiger, rawr." His way of asking for Frosted Flakes.

Joseph is crawling all over the place and that isn't satisfying for him, he's trying to get moving quicker and is trying to walk.

Tommy has had a hard time sleeping through the night for the past two to three weeks. He's come in our bed a few times and other's he asks to go outside and play at 5:00am or wants to watch TV at 4am. But the times he's come into our bed, I can tell his little nose is stuffy and he has a hard time breathing and switches from his nose to his mouth, I bet that's what's making it difficult for him. so today I bought a new humidifier because the other one was gross and and crappy and gave him some claritin, so I'm hoping that helps. Oh and I also washed the bedsheets too. We'll see.

Friday, August 21, 2009

What's new with us

The boys are definitely getting bigger. I look at Tommy and Trenton and they are big boys, not babies anymore. Of course I still call them my babies. It's great having conversations with them now, the things they do and say are so cute.

Tommy has been wanting to fly these past few weeks. They watched Peter Pan with the babysitter and has been wanting fly ever since then. I told him he can pretend to fly and when he grows up he can fly airplanes. He looks at me disappointed and says, "Aw" when I tell him that he can't physically fly. He has a toy plane and makes it fly constantly, and loves it. He says, "Look, mama, it fly." He is so cute. He is also asking me for everything, he wanted a monkey today. I told him we can't have a monkey, I should go buy a stuffed monkey for him. He also wants some sort of Thomas the train station thingy. I bought the boys a Thomas oval train set and it came with a "Yearbook" of different tracks and trains and he points to a certain train track and says, "I want it. I want it." I told him we'll have to ask Santa Claus. I think they might really get the Santa concept this year.

Tommy also likes to step on the step to our fireplace and put on a "show". He'll get up there and dance and sing and then step down and say, "Your turn." It's definitely adorable.

Tommy loves to sit and take things apart and put them back together, he's got the patience for that.

Both of the boys have been playing more imaginative play as well. They play doctor and tell us that we are sick. They have a doctor kit and use the stethoscope to listen to our hearts. They also play outside and one will come in and open the shutters to one of the windows on the inside and they play drive through LOL, it's funny to see them ask eachother for food.

They have recently become obsessed with Thomas the Train, so we have some books and a few trains. Luckily, Time Warner Cable has a few shows on demand that are free so Trenton will ask to watch "train tracks" and then we'll watch Thomas.

Trenton loves playing with Joseph, he is so good at keeping him busy and making him laugh so I can get things done. Trenton and Joey have a special relationship. Trenton will keep Joey occupied and Tommy will help me cook.

Trenton is outgoing but not as comfortable with putting on "shows" like Tommy does. But he loves to "read" books and do a lot of imaginative play. They both love to color and paint. Trenton has a sweet tooth, he's always asking for cake and cookies like we have an endless supply. He also has a memory like an elephant so if you promise him something, he'll make sure you keep your word. Trenton is always asking about things and what they do.

I can't believe TnT are now 2 and a half years old. Time really flies. I'm going to start potty training in the fall, wish me luck with that one.

Now on to Joseph. He just started crawling yesterday, August 20, but I don't think he really gets what he's doing. It's like he doesn't realize that it's him that is taking him to certain place to get certain toys. Joseph is such a happy baby. He loves to laugh and giggle, and he's super ticklish. He's not too crazy about baby food, he'd rather pick up food and put it in his mouth, so I give him a lot of baby finger foods. He also likes canned peas and has been know to steal french fries from his brothers plates at times.

As for Michael and I, we are good. Michael has been busy slaying dragons for us here at home. He's been super busy this past week. I'm grateful for all of his hard work. I miss him, he's been gone since Sunday night, he'll be home tonight.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Catching up

It's been so long since I've posted. I'm so horrible at these things.

Life has been super busy, but good.

Joseph is now eight months old. He is sitting up on his own, and now has two bottom teeth, and the top two are just about ready to come in. He loves watching his big brothers play and cannot be left alone in a room because he feels left out, he'll cry until someone comes to get him, he loves being in the company of his brothers, even if he's sitting in his bumbo chair just watching them play. He's also rolling over. He's getting big as well, that's not surprise, I wish kids didn't have to grow so fast.

Tommy and Trenton are growing super fast as well. They typically get along very well, but Michael has been gone off and on for the past three weeks and it's taken it's toll on them. They love their daddy so much and often ask for him randomly through out the day, when Michael comes home from work they are so excited. He'll play with them and wrestle with them and they just love it.

Summer has been good so far, I'm enjoying it much more not being pregnant. Last summer was the worst. I remember being so hot all the time and felt as though I could never cool off.

I'll post more often

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My funny boys

Well, this past week Joseph turned 3 months, time sure does fly. Next week Trenton and Tommy will be turning 2 years old. I can't believe my babies are big boys. Tomorrow we are having a pirate themed party with my family after church and on Thursday, the day of their birthday we'll have another one with Michael's family.

The boys are so funny. It takes me 10 minutes to change Joseph's diaper because he's such a big flirt. I can't help but get hypnotized by his smile and play with him and make him laugh. Tommy is quite the adventurer, he climbs on everything even the counters without a cell of fear in his body, thankfully Trenton is the complete opposite, he is cautious and hates to get hurt and will do all he can do avoid it. Tommy is a bit clumsy and falls all the time so he's used to getting hurt.

It's been raining and cold. I need some hot chocolate.

The other day, Trenton was running around in his diaper (the boys love to strip) and he paused and said, "Fart" and then pushed out a fart. It was kinda funny. He's definitely a boy.

Friday, January 30, 2009

I think I can do this

Okay so this is my first entry for 2009, woohoo. I've been wanting to get this started forever and you can see I've done a little entry here and there, but I think I can do this now. Thanks to the help of my online friends.

Life has been good. Tommy and Trenton are almost two so you can imagine that they are both like two tornadoes wrecking havoc throughout the house. Joseph is gettins so big. I just love to kiss his little face all over. I never thought I'd be a mama and here I am with three boys under two. I love my little men.

Okay so that's it for now, it's about 10:30pm where I'm at. I hope to update more tomorrow.